Transport Kent provides affordable transportation to essential services and more.
Regional transportation service is for everyone!

Transport Kent provides safe transportation at a reasonable cost. The service can be used for transportation to necessities such as:
Medical Appointments
Community and government programs
Pharmacy (medications)
Financial services (banks, taxes, etc.)
If you need a ride, contact our Dispatcher today to register for this great service!
(506) 743-1490
Wheelchair Accessible Van
Accessible transportation service!

Transport Kent has introduced a new state-of-the-art mobility vehicle to its program. This vehicle has been designed to serve a wider range of people, making our services more accessible. We believe this upgrade will not only enhance our current service, but also help us reach and assist more individuals.
The wheelchair-accessible van can accommodate up to 2 wheelchairs and 3 passengers, or up to 8 passengers without wheelchairs.
Transportation reservations must be made at least 2 business days in advance.
The rate for transportation is $0.25/km
If you need a ride, contact our Dispatcher today to register for this great service!
(506) 743-1490
Regional transportation service is offered in the Kent region thanks to volunteer drivers
This program runs on the generosity of our volunteers.
If you have a vehicle and want to support your community, a few hours of your time can make a difference. Here is what we offer:
- Flexible volunteer hours
- Reimbursement of your mileage
- Trainings
- Equipment
- and much more.
Safety is our top priority!
To become a volunteer, you will need to provide us with proof of at least five years of driving experience, a valid driver's license, a criminal check, proof of vehicle inspection and a valid insurance policy.
Become a volunteer today! Call (506) 743-1490 and make a positive impact in YOUR community!