The KRSC’s solid waste department is committed to offering optimal solid waste management services to its residents and communities. The KRSC takes into consideration the region’s social and economic context while reducing its environmental impact. It also values efficient service and the safety of garbage collectors and the public.
The KRSC is responsible for providing solid waste management services. The department manages nearly 9,000 tons of waste annually, which is sent to the Southeast Eco360 sorting facility in Berry Mills. The KRSC solid waste department is proud of what it has achieved since 2013 :
- Taking over the household waste collection contracts in most of the region
- Implementing the 3-Stream Program
- Creating a household waste management position for Elsipogtog and Indian Island First Nations
- Adding the Mobile Eco-Depot service for hazardous and bulky waste collection
Weekly pick-up
The 3-Stream Program is mandatory in the Kent region and improves the quality of recyclable and compostable materials sent to the Southeast Eco360 sorting facility.
All residents are required to separate their waste at home into three different-coloured bags:
- Green bags, for organic waste
- Blue bags, for recyclable waste
- Clear bags, for everything else

Get your very own weekly collection schedule by using the tool below. It can also helps with sorting your household waste into the right bag.
Kent Services
How to use the “Kent Services” tool
- To find out which colour bag an item goes in, select the “Let’s sort it out” tab.
- For your personalized collection schedule, look under the “My Schedule” tab.
- Be sure to enter your full address. No abbreviations!
- If the system isn't suggesting your address, try switching the language (X Road becomes Rue X) - We're currently working on making sure our database is listing the names in both languages.
Bulky waste
Collections for large items, not large quantities of waste! If it fits in a bag, why wait?
A new way to collect your bulky waste starting in April 2023!
The new ON CALL bulky waste collection service allows residents to get rid of their large items more often.
When should you register?
Register as soon as you have between one (1) to six (6) big items to throw away.
- Register ONLY when you need collection service
- You have to register EVERYTIME you require collection service
The service is now offered year round up to eight (8) times per year.
- SERVICE BY REGISTRATION - If you are not registered, we will not pick up at your address!
- LIMIT OF SIX (6) ITEMS PER COLLECTION - For a total of up to 48 items per year.
- Building materials are accepted in bundles no larger than 4 x 2 x 2 ft (1.2 x 0.6 x 0.6 m) and 50lb (23 kg).
- No black or opaque bags
- No waste in trailers or truck beds
- No hazardous waste, car parts or commercial waste
- Remember to have your bulky items at the curb before 4 a.m. on your collection date.

Eco-Mobile Deposit
In collaboration with Eco360 Southeast, KRSC is proud to present the Eco-Depot mobile program.
This free service will allow residents to get rid of cumbersome, dangerous, construction and other products in a place close to their home.
Schedule of the Eco-Deposit Mobile
Click on the image to enlarge it and see the full schedule.

- Home appliances (limit of one device per type per customer)
Refrigerators, kitchens, freezers, dishwasher, wall furnaces, water coolers, microwave, water heater, humidifier, dehumidifiers, washing machines, dryers, barbecues, etc.
- Furniture
Sofas, chairs, mattresses, sleeping rooms, commodes, dining room furniture, etc.
- Small engine tools
Snow blower, lawn mower, border cutter, chain saw, etc.
- Construction, demolition and renovation waste
Plaster plates, wood, windows, doors, bars, thermal pumps, pumps to them, etc.
- Dangerous household waste
Batteries, cooking oil, aerosols, paint, bulbs, fertilizer, chemicals, fluorocompakts, propane bottles, etc.
- Electronics
Televisions, computer screens, hard disk drives, DVD players, game consoles and any device that needs to be plugged in or that runs on batteries.
- Car and truck tires (maximum 51 cm [20 in] diameter, limit of eight per customer)
- Hummer traps (limit of five per customer)
- Brooms, branches and garden waste (including Christmas trees)
- Glass, cardboard and paper
The above-mentioned items that will be collected during these events will be recycled.
- Ash
- Metal
- Residential petrol or oil tank
- Automotive parts (excluding tyres)
- Bulk wastes not sorted by material type
- Commercial waste
- Regular waste (blue, green and light bags)
Our partners at Eco360 South-East will take containers and tanks to the selected location. They will also set up an unobstructed and safe path to follow with your vehicle, a kind of driving service. Please follow the instructions of the employees of Eco360 Southeast and be patient.
In order to speed up the process and ensure that your loading is not refused, we ask residents to tract their loads by type of equipment to facilitate the unloading.
The glass collected at the mobile eco-deposit will be isolated from any other product, which will make it easier to handle, keep it clean and keep the pieces of glass in an acceptable size.
In comparison, the objects you put in your blue bags are compressed several times in the truck and then placed on a concrete floor in the sorting facilities. The sorting chain is not equipped to isolate glass from other materials. The glass will also most likely be broken into pieces too small for the recycling market. Since it will be sent to the burial site at the end of the line, then it is easier to put it in the clear bag at the start.
For the few pieces that will survive the transport, it is necessary to keep in mind how the sorting line is operated. The sorting is done by hand and, although employees wear protective gloves, the presence of glass pieces still poses a non-negligible risk to employees. It is also requested that the glass be placed in the clear bag for safety reasons.
If you want your glass containers to be recycled, bring them to a mobile eco-depot
This service is completely free!
Residents of the Kent area are welcome to all mobile eco-deposits, even those that are not in their community.
Example: You live in Sainte-Marie, but missed the Eco-Depot in Bouctouche. You can bring your items to any collection that will take place like Saint-Antoine, Richibucto, Saint-Paul or even Rogersville if the date suits you best and the distance does not bother you too much.
Please note that only residents can benefit from the service. Commercial and ordinary household waste will be not accepted.
You can bring us the equivalent of a half-ton truck and a utility trailer at most.
Some items have an additional limit, such as household appliances, tires, shrimp traps, etc. See the list of acceptable items for more information on these limits.
No. This is a programme that adds to the others already in place. The aim of this is to offer our people even more options so that they can get rid of their cumbersome objects in a responsible way. We will continue to offer heavy waste collection on the side of the road every year.
Battery recycling
Deposits for the recycling of used batteries are open to the public.

Battery Depot Locations
Battery Depot Locations
The KRSC invites you to reconnect with Mother Earth by composting your organic waste.
Our program allows residents to purchase a composter or digester at a reduced price. These tools convert organic waste into nutrients for the soil. They are normally sold in the spring, but units are available in limited quantities all year round. To purchase one, contact us in advance to ensure that we still have some in stock. First come, first served!
Composter or digester?
The KRSC offers you two options: a traditional composter (the Earth Machine) and a digester (a green cone). Consult the image to determine which is best for you:
Both are available for purchase at our Bouctouche office at 104 Irving Boulevard, Unit 1. We accept cash, cheques, debit cards (Interac), and most credit cards.
Provincial programs
The Province manages a number of solid waste recovery and recycling programs
The Province manages a number of solid waste recovery and recycling programs, and the KRSC is proud to work with Recycle NB to promote them. For more information, go to https://recyclenb.com/.

Used tires
The used-tire recycling program has been operating since 1996. The tires are collected by the Tire Recycling Atlantic Canada Corporation (TRACC) and brought to recycling facilities in Minto.
Tires can be dropped off free of charge at any store or garage that sells them. However, since storage space is sometimes limited, please do not bring more than five at a time. Also, don’t forget to remove the rims. Retailers may refuse tires with rims or charge a fee to remove them.

Thanks to the paint recycling program run by the Product Care Association, Kent region residents can dispose of old paint cans free of charge all year round at four locations in the region:
- Rogersville Home Hardware: 506-775-6141
- Richibucto Home Hardware: 506-523-6631
- Saint-Antoine Home Hardware: 506-525-2140
- Baie-Sainte-Anne Home Building Centre: 506-228-4996

Oil and glycol recovery
As of 2014, it has been easy to recycle used oil (50 litres or less), oil filters, oil containers, glycol (50 litres or less) and glycol containers in New Brunswick through a program managed by Recycle NB in cooperation with UOMA NB (Atlantic Used Oil Management Association).
Visit the following website to find the oil and glycol depot nearest you: https://recyclenb.com/oil-map.

Electronic products
In 2017, the provincial government established an e-waste management program under the Clean Environment Act. As the organization responsible for designated-material recycling programs, Recycle NB provides program oversight, and the industry has selected the Electronics Products Recycling Association (EPRA) as the program administrator.
The Kent region has four permanent depots where residents can recycle their electronics year-round:
- Cocagne Variety in Cocagne
- Saint-Antoine Bottle Exchange in Saint Antoine
- Kent Building Supplies in Bouctouche
- TD Recycling 2018 in Baie-Sainte-Anne
- Beaurivage Recycling in Portage Saint-Louis
To find out which electronic objects are accepted under this program, go to https://www.recyclemyelectronics.ca/nb/what-can-i-recycle/.