The KRSC signed an agreement with Maritime Enforcement Services in January 2020 and since then, the firm has been providing rural plan and by-law enforcement services for the municipalities of Bouctouche, Cocagne, Rexton, Richibucto, Rogersville, Saint-Antoine and Saint-Louis-de-Kent.
Maritime Enforcement Services has assigned two officers to the Kent region, officers Hudson and Nowlan. These bilingual officers have been appointed to the KRSC and the respective municipalities under the Police Act, the Local Governance Act and the Community Planning Act and are proud to serve the region’s residents.
Frequently asked questions
A person duly appointed by a local government to enforce its by-laws and regulations. By-law enforcement officers in New Brunswick are appointed under section 72 of the Local Governance Act and may also be appointed under subsection 14(3) of the Police Act. They are also normally appointed under the Community Planning Act.
These individuals are responsible for public education and ensuring compliance with and enforcement of municipal by-laws and regulations. By-law enforcement officers DO NOT stop vehicles and DO NOT investigate criminal matters, such as theft or vandalism. Enforcement of traffic rules and the Criminal Code is the responsibility of the RCMP and the Department of Justice and Public Safety.
Our officers enforce by-laws in our seven municipalities. Each municipality has its own by-laws and enforcement priorities. Our officers can be contacted for problems including, but not limited to, the following:
- Unsightly premises
- Properties posing public safety issues (pools without fences, dangerous structures, etc.)
- Animals
- Fires
- Construction or demolition without a permit
- Inappropriate uses of a property under existing zoning
In LSDs, our officers act as development officers. Their role in unincorporated communities is to ensure that the public complies with building and land use regulations. They can be contacted for problems including, but not limited to, the following:
- Construction or demolition without a permit
- Inappropriate uses of land under existing zoning (in areas where a rural plan is in place)
For animal control issues, contact the NB SPCA at 1-877-722-1522.
To report unsightly or unsafe premises, contact the Department of Environment and Local Government at 1-506-453-2690.
If you live in a municipality, contact your town or village office first. They may be able to provide immediate assistance. If the matter needs to be referred to an enforcement officer, the municipal staff will forward the information to them.
Local Service DistrictsIf you live outside a municipality, make sure that your problem is something that the officer can deal with (see section on services provided to LSDs above). If it is, you can contact the Kent Regional Service Commission and they will redirect your claim.